2007-07-29 - 18:42:00
Har plockat svamp i dag med Catharina...först åkte vi mot rejmyre det fanns inte ett smack...så vi åkte ut mot stugan till Haga...där fanns lite...sen åkte vi å plocka lite blåbär på vanliga stället istället...Joey åt friskt som vanligt...sen mådde han lite illa:(
Han var jätte superduperduktig:) När vi kom hem slocknade han totalt och jag med...sov en timme å handlade sen burkar till bären o svampen för de var e vi slöa...sitter med en ansiktsmask o har ont i huvet..har varit ute å gjort parken med såg en kanadagås som inte fick vara med dom andra:( sorgligt...

Have picked mushrooms in the day with Catherine ... first we went to Rejmyre there was not a smack ... so we went out to the house to Haga ... there was a bit ... then we went on to pick some blueberries on the usual place instead ... Joey ate healthy as normal ... then he felt a bit bad: (
He was really superduperduktig :) When we got home he went out totally and I ... slept one hour on was late cans berries o fungus because they were out ... now we e dull ... sitting with a face mask o has a headache .. has been out on the park with Cattis done ... we saw a Canada goose who did not join the others: ( SADLY!

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